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Our style is largely fashion inspired portraiture and an experience of looking like the men & women in our magazines with the ‘feeling’ of beautiful.  It's about capturing the beauty on the outside and about finding the beauty that shines out from inside you.  It's not so much about being a supermodel, it's more so about being you at your most unexpected best.  


our style of photographing is simple and casual, but the images that we capture are dramatic and enticingly beautiful. our subjects are ordinary people who simply took the day off to be pampered and experience the feeling of their beauty. we invite you to a personal session with us. 


we have always been fascinated by the beauty of human faces and in how many different ways it exists. This fascination alone has been fueling our love for Beauty photography for years.


Beauty is a wonderful genre of photography that includes commercial and editorial imagery, as well as simple beauty portraits, so almost any professional or aspiring photographer who appreciates female beauty can find something in it for them.


While a hobbyist can enjoy taking beautiful portraits of their female friends and family members, there are more ways in which a professional Beauty photographer can grow: makeup, skincare, jewelry and accessory advertising, hairstyling and hair care products. And within those directions, one can aim to shoot for global high profile brands, or thrive on shooting for small local companies that are easier to approach and acquire as a client. As an additional avenue for growth, there is an abundance of big and small magazines that accept and publish beauty editorials.


There are many things that anyone who is interested in commercial and/or editorial Beauty photography needs to take into account when starting out, and I’d like to share with you a few points that I think are very important.

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